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Carpal Tunnel Surgery in Kansas City

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Carpal Tunnel

Severe carpal tunnel symptoms restrict everyday activities. The symptoms can be painful and limit hand grip. Endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery is usually the best option for people who have symptoms that persist despite other attempts at treatment. With our carpal tunnel surgery Kansas City patients have an option to prevent risk of damage to the median nerve in the hand due to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Kansas City carpal tunnel surgery model with blue shirt flower accent

Improve Day-To-Day Activities

About Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Most patients’ symptoms resolve as an outcome of the procedure. In addition, there are very few risks and complications associated with carpal tunnel surgery. Many surgeries for carpal tunnel syndrome are performed each year to help improve day-to-day activities. Endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery, performed by our leading surgeon Dr. John Michael Quinn, will help alleviate pressure and discomfort in the wrists. Advances in technology are making this surgery more effective and less invasive. An endoscopic procedure uses a miniscule camera, allowing Dr. Quinn to view the internal structure of the wrist without having to open it up with a large incision. This procedure will help correct the carpal tunnel quickly while also minimizing downtime.

Maintain Your Wrist Health

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by many factors. By improving your awareness of these factors, you can take steps to maintain your wrist health. Repeating the same hand motions can agitate the tissues and tendons in the wrist, resulting in inflammation. This swelling can push on the carpal tunnel, causing pressure on the median nerve. Due to passed on traits, some people are born with a narrow carpal tunnel. This will increase the likelihood of the person developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy causes a lot of body changes and hormone fluctuations. These changes often cause inflammation, which pushes on the carpal tunnel. Pre-existing health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes are often linked to carpal tunnel syndrome. Be aware of your health and whether or not you have a condition associated with carpal tunnel. If you know a pre-existing health condition may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, you can start taking steps to avoid the condition.

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green leaf accent Kansas City carpal tunnel surgery model with grey hair

Ideal Carpal Tunnel Surgery Candidates

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Candidates

For best results, Carpal tunnel should be treated earlier rather than later. The primary advantage of carpal tunnel surgery is that it will improve your quality of life by improving your wrist mobility. This procedure is for men and women who struggle with carpal tunnel syndrome. This is caused when the main nerve in your hand gets pinched. Carpal tunnel syndrome only gets worse with time and will affect your ability to grip. The simple procedure we offer will reduce painful symptoms. If you experience numb sensations in your hand and believe it is linked to carpal tunnel wrist pain, have a doctor inspect your wrist. If you are diagnosed and are looking for carpal tunnel relief, schedule a consultation with Dr. Quinn so you can learn more about the surgery and how it will relieve discomfort and restore function.

Kansas City carpal tunnel surgery model hands wavy line accent

Meeting With an Expert

Personal Consultation

In your private meeting with Dr. Quinn, he will ask about the symptoms you experience and examine your wrist(s). The examination will likely include a few tests where Dr. Quinn will assess the degree to which you have carpal tunnel syndrome. He may tap on your median nerve, move your wrist, and test the muscles of your fingers. He will ask about your health, current medications, allergies, and past procedures to get a good understanding of whether this procedure is a good solution for you. Dr. Quinn will explain the details of the procedure, anesthesia options, potential risks and what the healing process will be like. Once he has worked with you to confirm the details of your individualized procedure, he will instruct you how to prepare for the surgery and recovery.

This treatment is minimally invasive but will still require you to take some steps to make sure you have a safe, healthy experience. You will need to schedule a few days off from work to give yourself time to recover. A friend or family member will need to drive you around and, if both wrists are treated, help you get around your living space. It is always important to ask lots of questions during your consultation. Some of our patients write down their concerns and bring them to the consultation. We will strive to answer all of your questions. If any concerns do not get answered or come to you after the meeting, please give us a call so we can assist you.

Treatment for

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Many patients may return to work in just a few days after carpal tunnel surgery. In this procedure, a small lighted scope with a tiny attached camera is inserted into a small incision in the wrist. This gives Dr. Quinn an excellent view of the inside of the wrist and enables him to adjust his treatment according to the patient's needs. To complete the surgery, Dr. Quinn cuts the transverse carpal ligament to release the pressure on the median nerve that causes carpal tunnel symptoms. After the incision is closed and bandaged, the patient is free to return home.

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recovery

When you leave the procedure, your wrist will be bandaged where the incision was made. During your recovery from carpal tunnel surgery, it is important to keep your wrist elevated above your heart. Moving your fingers will increase circulation and help decrease swelling. Your wrist will be swollen, stiff, and you may experience discomfort. Over-the-counter medications normally help control any pain. Most patients return to work within a few days of their carpal tunnel surgery.

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Results

Results are long-lasting! Wrist movement and grip should improve within two to twelve months. Physical therapy will help improve wrist movements and help patients improve their grip. Our patients are extremely happy with their results, as this procedure restores hand control, coordination, and feeling.

Price of Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Cost

Quinn Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center is proud to provide a simple carpal tunnel solution for our patients. If you have the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and are considering carpal tunnel surgery Kansas City locals and guests are invited to contact our practice — we wish to change your life for the better. In some cases, carpal tunnel surgery can be covered by insurance. You can give us a call at (913) 492-3443 to schedule your consultation to learn more about Kansas City carpal tunnel surgery cost.

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Fast Procedure

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

In this procedure, a small lighted scope with a tiny attached camera is inserted into a small incision in the wrist. This gives Dr. Quinn an excellent view of the inside of the wrist and enables him to adjust his treatment according to the patient's needs. To complete the surgery, Dr. Quinn cuts the transverse carpal ligament to release the pressure on the median nerve that causes carpal tunnel symptoms. After the incision is closed and bandaged, the patient is free to return home.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions we are regularly asked.

The carpal tunnel is a narrow aisle in the wrist made of bones and ligaments. This passageway protects the main nerve of the wrist, the median nerve. The carpal tunnel helps guide and keep the nerve safe. Over time, this tunnel may be compressed by repetitive wrist action. The pinching causes areas of the hand to go numb or hurt. Ultimately, finger movement and hand grip are affected.

Over time, if the condition is not addressed it is not reversible. This is because the carpal tissue will cause severe nerve damage that cannot be improved. Surgical intervention will be risky because the tissue will be so close together. It would also prove useless because there would already be nerve damage. Carpal tunnel syndrome should be treated in its early stages to provide the best, long-lasting results. If you are concerned about developing carpal tunnel syndrome, here is a bulleted list of actions to perform or avoid to keep your wrists and hands healthy:

  • Overweight patients may alleviate discomfort by losing weight.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome may be caused by another sickness. Make sure you are receiving annual check-ups to ensure you are healthy.
  • Tools should be an appropriate size for your hands. If they are too large or small, they may strain your wrist.
  • Avoid bending or stressing your wrists for long periods of time.
  • Don’t rest wrists on a hard surface for long periods of time. If you work at a desk, invest in products that support your wrists and allow them to rest.
  • It is important to rest your wrists throughout the day. Be sure to rotate them and relax them.

These guidelines will help elongate the health of your wrists and help alleviate early carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.

No, but with treatment, it can. Simple actions like taking a break from repetitive hand actions and raising your forearms so your wrists are not at an angle while typing will help alleviate discomfort and help reduce pressure on your wrists. Wearing wrist braces can also help. The braces will keep your forearm and wrist straight, helping you avoid additional pressure to the carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel pain will only get worse if not treated. If the discomfort is too great, we suggest you look into carpal tunnel surgery before the syndrome gets any worse.

If carpal tunnel syndrome is not treated, the condition will cause severe nerve damage. Carpal tunnel numbness will increase, causing pain and damage that cannot be reversed. If you are worried that you are developing carpal tunnel syndrome Kansas City area residents or guests are encouraged to schedule a consultation with Dr. Quinn. He will examine your wrist and help you understand what your options are. Carpal tunnel syndrome is very treatable when caught early. This procedure has a little downtime and will improve your day-to-day life. If you have the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and are considering carpal tunnel surgery, we invite you to contact our Kansas City plastic surgery team to change your life for the better.

Schedule your Kansas City plastic surgery consultation today

When you commit to your beauty journey, you are choosing to take how the world sees you into your own hands. That’s an empowering feeling. Dr. Quinn and his team at Quinn Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center are here to honor that commitment and help you achieve the best results for you and your body. These are your decisions. Our role is to help you make the most of them. Schedule a consultation today to get started on your beauty journey.

6920 W 121st St #102, Leawood, KS 66209

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