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Microdermabrasion in Kansas City

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Kansas City Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical skin resurfacing procedure that has been created to help with the skin’s growth and replacement of new cells. It can be beneficial in the treatment of dull or dry skin, rough texture, and more.

Although a single treatment is a great exfoliation for the skin, we believe that microdermabrasion is most beneficial when performed on a regular, ongoing basis. Quinn Aesthetic Center offers exceptional results with microdermabrasion in Kansas City. After exploring our Education Center on Microdermabrasion Kansas City locals and visitors are encouraged to schedule a consultation to learn more about your options.

Kansas City microdermabrasion model with brown hair flower accent

Boost Your Collagen With Microdermabrasion

What is Microdermabrasion?

At younger ages, a protein called collagen is abundant in the skin. It contributes to our healthy appearance and supports our skin’s firmness and elasticity. Unfortunately, our body produces collagen more slowly with time. Eventually, much of our existing collagen will be broken down, which can contribute to thinning, loose skin, and a gaunt, unhealthy appearance. However, the body is capable of renewing its collagen levels if given the right stimuli. Microdermabrasion treatments are one of many collagen-restoring procedures offered at Quinn's med spa. Upon scheduling a private consultation for microdermabrasion Kansas City's Quinn Aesthetic Center can tell you about the best ways you can renew and refresh your skin from within, and get you started!

Microdermabrasion is non-surgical and non-invasive. The treatment focuses on the surface level of the skin. A microdermabrasion handpiece will be run gently over the skin as it combines exfoliation with suction to remove dry, damaged external skin and reveal newer, healthier skin underneath. The renewal of the layers will also trigger the body’s natural rejuvenating processes. The microdermabrasion procedure will stimulate the body’s collagen production, helping the skin heal and volumize itself to reveal a healthy red carpet “glow.”

Restore Your Healthy Glow

What are the Benefits of Microdermabrasion?

One method of skin restoration that patients may already be familiar with is a chemical peel, where certain solutions are used to “burn” the outer layer of skin away and allow the younger skin to be revealed. Microdermabrasion is a more gentle method of revealing the firm, younger skin beneath the aged or damaged outer layers. Your skin will once again take on a healthy glow without the peeling process of a chemical peel. Other benefits of microdermabrasion include:

  • Little to no downtime
  • Smoother skin
  • Fast and simple procedures
  • Improved collagen growth
  • Better skin quality
  • Reducing the appearance of sun damage
Kansas City microdermabrasion model with blonde hair wavy line accent
green leaf accent Kansas City microdermabrasion model with grey hair

Clarify. Rejuvenate. Tone.

Am I a Good Candidate for Microdermabrasion?

Would you make a good candidate for microdermabrasion? There are a number of factors to take into account for this. If you are a relatively healthy adult who minimally smokes and drinks, you may be a good candidate for microdermabrasion. Take a look in the mirror and determine if you see signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles around the face. Patients may not be good candidates for microdermabrasion if they are experiencing open sores, psoriasis, painful active acne, or active rosacea. Patients with Lupus, diabetes, or vascular lesions will want to discuss their best skin renewal options during their private consultation. Do you struggle with clogged pores, resulting in whiteheads, blackheads, and other acne? Microdermabrasion can restore your skin to a clear, smooth appearance if you have scars, sun damage, wrinkles, or melasma. Microdermabrasion is an excellent solution to a wide variety of skin tone and texture issues. We invite patients in the Kansas City area to call to learn more about the many benefits of microdermabrasion today.

Kansas City microdermabrasion model with brown hair wavy line accent

Precision-Based Treatment

Your Microdermabrasion Procedure

There are two primary methods of microdermabrasion. Both work to remove the outermost layer of the skin, the epidermis, in order to expose the layers beneath and reveal younger, healthier skin. Both methods will stimulate new skin cell growth and trigger the body’s natural collagen production. This effectively will thicken and firm up the skin, giving you a younger, smoother appearance without requiring gel injections, dermal implants, or other more invasive methods. The first method of microdermabrasion uses micro-particles. A handheld device is swept slowly across the facial regions, gently streaming these micro-particles over the skin. A paired vacuum device is simultaneously moved alongside, sucking up the micro-particles as well as the dead and loose skin those particles have dislodged.

Additional Reading

The second version of microdermabrasion is newer. Quinn Aesthetic Center has incorporated a diamond-tipped “wand” that is moved across the skin, acting as an exfoliating agent. Dead and loose skin is gently scrubbed and suctioned away. This new wand will achieve more effective exfoliation for a vibrant, youthful glow. During either process, patients may feel light scratching and suction along the treated areas and some vibrations (similar to a gentle massage). These are completely normal and should not be any cause for alarm.

Little to No Downtime

Microdermabrasion Recovery

If you feel your recovery may require special treatment, be sure to address this during your consultation. When it comes to treatments that restore a youthful glow to the face, microdermabrasion is among the least invasive and requires almost no downtime or recovery time. Patients are able to be immediately out-processed after the treatment and may return to normal activities right away. Some patients may experience skin sensitivity following a session, but this should fade quickly. In some cases, we may suggest using a moisturizer or other facial cream or lotion products in order to maintain or enhance the appearance of the skin. While these conditions are rare, some patients may experience bruising, sensitivity to sunlight, and redness or rashes on treated areas after their microdermabrasion. These conditions usually abate shortly after their treatment. Patients are encouraged to use sunscreen after microdermabrasion to protect the results for as long as possible.

Quick to Appear. Slow to Fade.

Microdermabrasion Results

The results of a microdermabrasion session should be almost immediately visible and do not take as long to fully recover from as a chemical peel and other more extensive treatments. The quality of your skin will continue to improve as your newer, collagen-supported skin adds healthy volume to your face. The appearance of sun damage and scarring will be greatly reduced. Skin will be smoother, and the tone will be more even. Every microdermabrasion treatment we perform will leave your skin glowing! To see the best improvement with acne, scarring, aging, and skin pigmentation, a long-term plan of multiple Kansas City microdermabrasion treatments may be recommended.

Your Premier Skin Experts

Schedule Your Kansas City Microdermabrasion Consultation Today

The Quinn Aesthetic Center regards its patients’ comfort and confidence to be of the utmost importance, which is why we require each client to take part in a cosmetic consultation. We will review your current state of health and medical history with you. This is to alert your aesthetician to any past injuries, illnesses, or conditions that may have affected your skin’s state. We want to ensure that microdermabrasion is the best recourse for your desired results! Your face will be photographed, and areas of particular concern will be marked out, such as scars you wish to diminish or patches of acne that you would like the microdermabrasion to address. If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure, now is also the perfect time to deal with each one.

Additional Reading

  • How much discomfort will I experience during the microdermabrasion session?
  • Are there any side effects or complications I should look for afterward?
  • Will this affect my ability to return to work or other activities?
  • What can I do to maintain the results of microdermabrasion as long as possible?
  • How soon will the results of microdermabrasion be visible?
  • Is microdermabrasion actually the best option for me, given my stated goals?

Our aesthetician has performed microdermabrasion on countless patients over the years and continues to provide customized care for every single man and woman. During your consultation, we will answer any questions you may have and assess the options that are best for you.

Microdermabrasion Frequently Asked Questions

There is no real preparation needed for a microdermabrasion session. It is recommended that patients minimize the amount that they smoke and drink before their treatment, due to the negative effects on the health of one’s skin. Ongoing sun exposure also may reduce the extent of the results, which is why it is highly important to use sunscreen, or simply to reduce the amount of time spent in direct sunlight.

The price of microdermabrasion will depend on the details of your individualized treatment plan, such as the number of treatments you will receive. After your consultation, you will receive a cost breakdown that reflects your specific treatment plan. We offer financing plans and other payment options, which can also be discussed during your pre-procedure meeting. To learn more about Microdermabrasion, call to schedule a private consultation at Quinn Aesthetic Center!

Schedule your Kansas City plastic surgery consultation today

When you commit to your beauty journey, you are choosing to take how the world sees you into your own hands. That’s an empowering feeling. Dr. Quinn and his team at Quinn Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center are here to honor that commitment and help you achieve the best results for you and your body. These are your decisions. Our role is to help you make the most of them. Schedule a consultation today to get started on your beauty journey.

6920 W 121st St #102, Leawood, KS 66209

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